Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 47 ~ Yep We Got Slobbered On...

This weekend was a ton of fun. The five of us girls took off Friday morning and headed down to Branson, MO. Our first stop was the Wild Animal Safari in Strafford, MO. We never dreamed it would as crazy fun as it was, we screamed and laughed so hard! 

Left to right: My momma Tina, Jamie, Melissa and Shelly
 When we seen this rally towel, we had no idea what it meant...we had no idea what was in store for the end we knew exactly.
This is Herb, Melissa's beloved boyfriend...he did not want to let her arm go. We thought he was going to hop over and propose or have a heart attack. Yellowtail!

 Momma and smokey
 I've got my eye on you..
 I absolutely love zebras and have always wanted to pet one, we had the chance to get "up close and personal to this one", I really wanted to brush his teeth!!
Linking up with Rebecca over @ Simple Things Sunday
 Such a beautiful creature, soft skin and gentle personalities. Their stripes are as individual as the fingerprints on our hands. I want a Zebra for Christmas, only a Zebra will do...
Melissa dropping our new buffalo friend a treat, WE GOT SLOBBERED!
The buffalo were chasing us for more treats, STEP ON IT SHELLY!
The camels were ruthless, they knew we had treats and would not take no for an answer. The white one licked my neck like Scooby Doo, my hair was soaked with camel goo. 
The brown one bit Jamie's arm and ate her brown bag of treats! 
 P.S.I ~ Personal Space Invader
This animal plain FREAKS. ME. OUT. Just look at that evil red eye starring at us.
 Two steers protecting their young. Question is ~ How did the baby get in there??
 Cavities much?
 Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
 Pucker up baby
 Yum nummy
Baby donkeys! <3 

Melissa loves donkeys and she got to pet a bunch, they are soo sweet and she was in love!

Ya'll come back now YA HEAR!