Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 5 - To the Moon and back

"I love you to the Moon and back" is what I told my sweet little nieces while tucking them in as they snuggled at our house for the night.
For those of you who know me well, know I am always on the hunt for maps or globes. Though I have many globes of different colors and sizes (another post for another day!), I did not own a Moon of any kind until a couple months ago. A friend surprised me with it's tiny cuteness and it now sits on the computer desk where it makes me smile every time I see it. 

So today, I took advantage of the natural light and snapped a few photos.

What is one of your favorite little treasures?

Thanks to the ever so talented hand model! 
"You can look at them but DO NOT touch them" - George Costanza

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