Ahh...October is here, my favorite month of the year!
I love everything about this time of year ~ cool weather, pumpkins, cardigans, hot chocolate, hay rides, HALLOWEEN!, pumpkin flavored everything, doc martens, bon fires, hearty soups, kids piling up leaves and jumping in them...I could go on forever!
I met my best friends family yesterday to do a photo session of their 2 year old playing @ the Pumpkin Farm ~ Jamie, there are a few sneaky peeks in here for you!!
Linking up with Rebecca ~ Simple As That fro Simple Things Sunday! Head on over there to enter the anniversary give-a-way!

Meet Lil David ~ Handsome boy with a huge smile (I wish I had a ounce of his energy!)
He loved to jump, so happy and carefree
For Aunt Shelly ~ who loves John Deere
Lil David with his mommy
My girls ~ Shelly & Melissa!
Halloween face painting!
All photos were taken with my brand new rockin' Canon 7d ~ 28-135mm that my hubby
surprised me with <3 (First session with it & a ton to learn)
Cute pics. I use a Canon 7D too- whew, there is a lot to learn... but so worth it!