Festival of Nations was @ Tower Grove Park this weekend ~ so many cultures, music, dancing, food & drinks! We ate way too much as usual and tried some new things ~ some of which we will not be eating again (like sticky minty spring rolls) and some we will go back for each year (like the tamales & curry chicken ~ YUM!) Tons of people came out to support a great event!
Did you go to the festival this year? What was your favorite part?
I really loved all of these hand painted nesting dolls, I was looking for a Simpsons one!
This cute man was so nice and barely spoke English
For Shelly!

Shelly tasting the coconut water..

German music makes me happy
The dancing was cheerful and lively
Isn't she fun!?! I think she was really German too, heard her speaking pretty fluently anyway.
By the time we came to this booth, we were stuffed. I wish there was room because the mix of veggies and chicken smelt incredible!
This was seriously the best Baklava I have ever eaten & it wasn't even from the Greek booth.
It was Bosnian, made with the flakiest Phyllo dough, sweet fresh honey and chopped nuts. To die for.
I loved her bright colors and honest smile, what a beauty.
LOVE his beard and the smile lines around his eyes
Favorite pavillion of the park
Sorry to the vegetarians reading this but OH. MY. pork goodness on a spikett!
One thing Shelly did try and loved ~ corn on the cob with goat cheese & cayenne pepper
My handsome hubby <3
For those of you who don't know, I love owls! These little guys were darling!
Shake shake shake Señora, shake your body line
Shake, shake, shake, Señora, shake it all the time
This little cutie was enjoying the free sunblock @ the First Aid station and gave me a cheesy smile when he seen me giggling.
All photos were taken with my Canon Rebel XSI - 50mm 1.4